After reading about Adding a custom Action and creating your first custom Action you may want know more about the get_js_actions()
method that is available in the Action
What it does
The method is used to get the actions that should be executed by JavaScript on success of the execute()
method. For example, the Activate Plugin action refreshes the available actions to ensure the newly activated plugin is no longer in the list of plugins able to be activated, but rather in the list of plugins that can be deactivated.
Another example is the Add to Cart and Empty Cart actions, these will automatically trigger a refresh of the carts in WooCommerce.
What it can do for you
There are a few default actions available by default, and also a JavaScript trigger that allows for adding your own custom functionality.
Actions available by default
Reload page
public function get_js_actions( $args = array() ) {
return array(
'action' => 'reload-page',
public function get_js_actions( $args = array() ) {
return array(
'action' => 'redirect',
'url' => home_url(),
Refresh actions
public function get_js_actions( $args = array() ) {
return array(
'action' => 'refresh-actions',
'data' => array(
'actions' => $this->refreshed_actions_after_action(),
Reload cart
This one is specifically for the WooCommerce integration
public function get_js_actions( $args = array() ) {
return array(
'action' => 'reload-cart',
Custom actions
As mentioned you’ll also be able to create your own custom available and hook them into JavaScript. This can be done by listening to a event on the document
document.addEventListener( 'keyboard_action/after_execution/my-custom-even-name', function(e) {
alert('my custom event');
console.log(e.detail); // All arguments are passed to JS in the e.detail argument.
public function get_js_actions( $args = array() ) {
return array(
'action' => 'my-custom-event-name',
'arg1' => 'value1',
'arg2' => 'value2'